Certificate of Attendance Form
If you need the Certificate of Attendance form for the DMV, students must use the link above or go to the CHS Panthers website under the Guidance tab to find the link for the request form. Email requests are not accepted. Please use the request form as there are numerous requests for this form. The student must use the link from their school email to access the form.

If this form is needed anytime from now through the holiday break, please request this now. (No later than December 14th by 8 a.m.) I may not be able to locate students during the exam week. The request volume is high at this time of year. The forms cannot be emailed. They must be in original ink signatures to be valid.

Minor Work Permit Information
At Catholic High School your certifying officers are Mr. Josh Guilbeau, our guidance counselor, and Mrs. Patrice Williams, our registrar. Students who need to receive a certification form to work must first obtain the employer’s form with the employer, student, and parent signature. The employer form, after it is completed, must be presented to the school’s certifying officer. An appointment must be scheduled to obtain this permit. This could take up to a week to receive. Please click the link above for more information. 

RenWeb Information Update
Any information updates to you or your child’s household information is handled through our Registrar’s Office. Please review all addresses and telephone numbers and email addresses to be sure the information we have on file is current.  If you need to make any update please email Mrs. Patrice Williams @

Published Report Card
Semester 1 report cards will not be available until after January 7, 2023.  Once we return from the holiday teachers will go over exams and finalize the semester grades.  Grades will be checked and the report card window will open and likely be available by the weekend of January 7, 2023.

Senior Information
Senior 7 semester transcripts will be available approximately January 23, 2023. All information is checked and all grades must be verified before we can release the 7 semester transcript for seniors. We will release them as soon as we can. Please be patient. Seniors can use a 6 semester transcript and a copy of their semester 1 report card if they need that information prior to the completion of the 7 semester reports. 

Seniors Google Classroom
A recent email provided seniors with a list of local scholarships that are made available each year. All scholarships we receive are posted to the Class of 2023 Google Classroom. This is the student’s link to their guidance counselor about TOPS, the FAFSA, College Admissions and other senior items. It is important for seniors to keep up with what is on their Google Classroom page. There are quick reference guides under the Classwork tab to go straight to items such as, ACT, FAFSA, TOPS, Scholarships, senior strategies and College information. See your counselor for any questions you may have.