Geaux Big Red
  • Students are allowed to wear the following cold-weather attire in the school buildings: Catholic High sweatshirts, with or without hoods, Catholic High red or black sweaters, Catholic High gray, red, or black fleece jackets, Catholic High team zip-ups, and Catholic High letterman jackets. All of these must be purchased from an approved vendor. Outside of the buildings, students may wear plain (no words, brands, or markings) black, red, or gray outerwear, but these must be removed upon entering the buildings. 
  • Female students' uniform skirts should be no shorter than three inches in length above the floor, all the way around, when kneeling. Please measure your daughter’s skirts; if her skirts are not long enough, please purchase new skirts that do meet the requirements, as the consequence for this uniform infraction is an application detention. During cold weather, girls may wear skirts over plain, solid, black or white tights or leggings with same colored socks. Tights or leggings can be fleece-lined for extra warmth.  
  • Male students must be clean-shaven. Boys who are not clean-shaven are made to shave at school and will be issued an application detention.  
  • Male hairstyles must be off the collar, above the ear, and above the eyes without the use of styling products. Hair may not extend more than two inches off the head in any direction. Boys found to be in violation of this policy are given application detentions.  
  • All students are required to be in their complete uniform, worn in the appropriate manner (shirt tucked in, pants not sagging or too tight, shoelaces tied, shoes not smashed in the back from habitually being walked upon), every day, from arrival on campus until the end of the school day.