Certificate of Attendance Forms

If you need the Certificate of Attendance form for the DMV between now and the end of school, please make your requests now. I will have limited access to students in the upcoming closing weeks. Students must use the link below or go to the CHS panthers website under the Guidance tab to find the link for the request form. Email requests are not accepted. Please use the request form as there are numerous requests for this form. Certificate of Attendance Form Request

What do you do during the summer? 

During the summer Certificate of Attendance forms will be mailed. You must use the google link to request the form. Student’s must go through their school email account to request these forms. This request could take up to a week to receive during the summer. Certificate of Attendance Form 

Obtaining a minor’s work permit

Minor Work Permit Information  
At Catholic High School your certifying officers are Mr. Josh Guilbeau, our guidance counselor, and Mrs. Patrice Williams, our registrar. Students who need to receive a certification form to work must first obtain the employer’s form with the employer, student, and parent signature. The employer form, after it is completed, must be presented to the school’s certifying officer. An appointment must be scheduled to obtain this permit. This could talk up to a week to receive. Please click the link above for more information.