Confident, Self-Directed, Lifelong Learners
Catholic High offers a challenging, up-to-date curriculum that serves to engage and inspire students at all abilities and grade levels. We instill critical thinking, collaboration, and information and media literacy skills at all levels. Academic excellence is assured through rigorous courses, technology integration, cross-curricular activities, and teacher professional development.
Grading System
The scholastic year is divided into four grading periods (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarter) for all grade levels. Grades are earned through a variety of formative and summative assessments. These may include, but are not limited to, tests, quizzes, individual and collaborative projects, hands-on labs, and performance assessments.
In grades 4 and 5, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter grades are averaged to determine the final grade for the year. Grades 6-12 take semester exams in most courses. For grades 6-8, each semester average is worth 50% of the final grade; each quarter is worth 45% and the exam is worth 10% of the semester grade. In grades 9-12 onlevel courses, each quarter is worth 40% and the exam is worth 20% of the semester grade. In honors, dual enrollment, and AP high school courses, each quarter is worth 37.50%, and the exam is worth 25%.
Grade Scales
Standardized Testing Program
- TerraNova—grades 4 through 7
- Pre-ACT – 8th, 9th, and 10th grades
- PSAT/NMSQT—11th grade (Voluntary)
- ACT—10th, 11th, and 12th grades (Voluntary, but required for admission to LA universities)
- ACT—in-school testing required of juniors
- ASVAB—11th grade
- SAT—11th and 12th grades (Voluntary-but required by most out-of-state universities)
Graduation Requirements
The Catholic High diploma is issued in compliance with the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Diocese of Lafayette. It meets all requirements of the TOPS University diploma for graduates of 2018 and beyond. To graduate with a Catholic High diploma, a student must successfully take a minimum of 28 Carnegie units of high school credit, which includes the CHS course requirements. A senior must have completed and passed all courses and have received the required credits before he/she may participate in the ceremony on graduation day in order to graduate from Catholic High.
Honor Graduates
To earn the distinction of Honors Graduate, students must graduate with a GPA of 3.5 and a minimum of 16 honors courses. The 16 honors courses must include 4 in each core subject: English, math, science, and social studies. AP Calculus AB, AP Art 2-D, and other honors courses are all additional honors courses that may be taken beyond the required 16.
Course Catalog
Categorized by departments, our High School Course Catalog listings include course descriptions, grade level availability, course level, and prerequisites.